A story of hope

Naomi Ndung’u 

Head and founder of VGS


The funding through VGT has made it possible for those needy children who were abandoned in the society to be very responsible, able and appreciated back in the society through the transformation they have received.

Parents from the School have also benefited a lot because due to their harsh conditions and poverty back home, they can no longer tie their children at home in cages, but are now well taken care of at VGS through their help given by VGT.

Kind Regards,

Naomi Ndung’u,


Vanessa Grant School for Mentally Challenged Children


During one of our visits to Gogar Primary school Vanessa and I met a very enthusiastic and motivated teacher called Naomi who, despite having no formal training, had seen the need to do something to help kids with mental handicaps. When a small mud-walled, tin-roofed house with small shuttered windows became vacant she persuaded the school to let her take it over set up a very simple boarding facility.

Naomi introduced us to her “family” of a dozen or so kids who were so obviously happy and well cared for even though she had almost no resources. The feeling of a family atmosphere was something only somebody with a very special natural talent could achieve so we both immediately saw this as something that really needed our support. We did so in various ways for a couple of years, so when Vanessa died unexpectedly in 1997, we all felt that we would like to continue and expand that support to leave a lasting legacy and benefit to those heart-warming kids.


Hamish Grant

Vanessa’s husband

Co-founder of VGT